Cimarron Firearms, the leader in authentic replicas from America’s Old West, proudly reintroduces one of America’s most popular and famous lever-action hunting rifles of all time. The John Browning patented design was introduced in 1894 in two iconic cartridge chamberings, the .32-40 and the .38-55. It was the first American-made repeating rifle to chamber smokeless powder rounds. This was in 1895 when nickel steel barrels and the 30 WCF or .30-30 were introduced. The Model 1894 has been referred to as the ''ultimate lever-action design'' by firearms historians.  The iconic 30-30 cartridge has probably taken more wild game in the US than any other cartridge. With this Cimarron exclusive rifle, you can own the iconic lever action designed by John Browning chambered in 30-30.  As you would expect from a true replica, the rounds are loaded from the right side of the receiver into the tube magazine that sits below the octagonal barrel.